
Discovery Magic's Blog
John & Caroline Charnley
Mon 14 Jun 2010 22:03
John writes: What a difference  a day makes!  Two days ago, we were swimming in the Gulf Stream, at an extraordinary 32 degrees C water temperature. This morning we were pushing headwinds through the fog towards Newport, with the sea temperature down to 19 degrees C.  The last part of the trip wasn't much fun, and we were ready to get here. But here we are in America, with a peculiar sense of unreality that we have actually sailed here. Life ashore seems slightly strange.
Eventually we had our customs and immigration clearance, said good bye to Bill and Donald, and moved to a lovely anchorage by the Ida Lewis yacht club.
And what a joyful surprise...anchored just 200 metres away was our very first Discovery 55, now called Sula. We left a message on board, and the new owners, Australians David and Heather came over. They have already sailed the Pacific for 2 years and have owned 23 boats before, of which they have built 6.  They have been giving Sula some TLC, and will now be cruising north up to Maine for the summer, so we hope to see much more of them.
It was great too that we were able to contact an old flying friend of mine here in Newport, and we hope to meet up with them tomorrow.  Made an appointment with a dentist to sort a filling, and researched "dongles" for wireless broadband...quite a busy first day! Normal life goes on...
Then the cloud lifted, and the sun came out...and what a transformation. The harbour is filled with lovely sailing boats including many classics. The picture, taken this afternoon, may give an idea.
Time now for an unbroken night's sleep!