Working our way along the transit corridor

Diablo's cruising adventures
Doug and Clare Hassell
Mon 16 Jan 2023 15:53

We are sailing in between the shipping lanes to get maximum protection.  Only 2 miles wide and so makes for concentration on the job in hand.
450 miles done and 150 mile to go. Should be reaching Djibouti early afternoon tomorrow.
Very calm and peaceful our here.  Wind from astern again (7th day?).  A bit lighter and so shook the reef out and the big spinnaker is out of the bag!
Katy currently on the helm and we are making 7kts surfing down the waves.

We want to give a shout out to the Sailing Vision Trust, their work primarily involves coastal sailing experiences aiming to empower visually impaired folk – sometimes for their first time at sea – and they also are keen to look at ways in which for some,  this can progress into ocean and long distance sailing adventures.  Exactly what Katy is doing!  For more information www.sailing

We have been reflecting on the number of ships and what it takes to keep the world running.  We are usually in sight of 3 to 5 ships all of the time.
GAC kindly offered us support for logistics and we are planning the Red Sea part now.
Satcom working like a dream and generator now behaving itself.
The girls are running out of wine!

Team Diablo

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