Crossing the line

Desiderata Sailing Log
Stuart Armstrong and Julia Neustein
Thu 7 Oct 2010 01:02
Tonight we will cross the line, the equator line.
It is a maritime tradition to perform a crossing-the-line ceremony if there are any sailors aboard who have not yet 'crossed'. We decided that we all qualified for this. It was also decided that it would be more fun to do it in daylight, so we stopped slightly short of the equator to carry it out.
For the ceremony a Neptune (Peter) an Amphitrite (Andrea) and the Pollywogs (Stuart and Rupert) are needed, we didn't have a Davy Jones. The Pollywogs are brought before the court of Neptune Rex with his Queen, Her Highness Amphitrite. They are smothered in cold porridge as a slimy blessing and then dunked in the sea. When all this is done Neptune Rex reads out the following proclamation...
Whereas by our Royal Constitution Our Trusty, Well Beloved;
(Stuart / Rupert / Andrea / Peter) has this day entered Our Domain.
We do hereby declare to all whom it may concern that it is Our Royal Will and Pleasure to confer upon him the Freedom of the Seas without undue ceremony.
Should he/she fall overboard, We do command that all Sharks, Dolphins, Whales, Mermaids and other dwellers in the Deep are to abstain from maltreating his/her person.
And we further direct all Sailors, Solders, Airmen and others who have not crossed Our Royal Domain, to treat him/her with the respect due to One of Us.
Given under Our Hand at Our court on board the Sailing Yacht Desiderata. On the Equator in Longitude 42 degrees. On this, the 6th day of October in the year of 2010.
It was great fun and very messy.

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