Canaries - Lanzarote

Blue Raven
Wed 14 Oct 2015 07:28
N 12 12 W 13 31
Land fall on the Canary islands after a fairly uneventful trip. The NE trade winds were absent and the large low pressure system to the north gave large waves and head winds early on. This is the first trip where we slowed down to 2 knots and waited for the front to pass over us. We motor sailed the last two days as the tail winds made the apparent winds below 5 knots and the 2 to 3 m swell rocked the boat from the side.
Sighted 2 pilot whales and enjoyed watching them for a good ten minutes before the dived. They were swimming side by side with the sun behind us and them so the plume of water blown up every few minutes stood out against the blue sky behind.
Isla Graciosa the Northern most island in the Canaries. Staying in a quiet protected bay which is a popular first stop for yachts coming south to the island chain. The bay is called Palya Francesa.
At the eastern end of the island chain everything is desert dry, low laying, sand interspersed with volcanic cones.