Fresh water showers & full tanks!

Mike Somerville
Thu 6 Dec 2012 21:31
17:30.43N 40:15.5W
Hello you all!
Today was the first day we woke up without
sunshine! Can't really complain on december 6 of that of course. A few hours
after sunrise some rain came by, thrilled we were with the fresh water we all
got our swimming suits on and took a good shower with soap, shaving, hairwashing
etc. on the deck. Great party!
More rain...causing Mike L doing a great job
filling out the water tanks with buckets of water caught from the mainsail. Up
to a 100% full water tank again! Amazing!
And some more rain...lack of wind and wind
direction made us zigzag around in circles with no speed. Of course not starting
the engine, since that would penalize our super performance so far!
Finally when everybody at least had his second pair
of dry clothes on, Mike S discovered the mainsail outhaul had broken loose...and
up they went again (the men this time) to fix that and caught another nicely wet shower (not too keen of that anymore at that
The evening ended with a nice and simple rice with
chili, some wind again, the rain dropping and a beautiful sunset, causing the
look of a burning earth right ahead of us. Beautiful, beautiful,
It's nicely dry and warm now and off we go into our
nightshifts, hoping the wind will stay put and maybe catch some sun tomorrow to
dry off the washing we did in the free fresh water!
As for our sailing performance, our days run to
12pm was excellent and we even beat the Swan
70 Berenice with our 7.5knot average.
Barbara, Mike, Tim &