Unwelcome guests...

Mike Somerville
Sat 1 Dec 2012 17:18
21:51.1N 25:56.6W
Cockroaches are potentially a big problem for all boats, especially in hot climates. Some trundle up the mooring  from the dock straight onto the boat, but the smarter ones hitch a ride as stowaways with the new vegetable deliveries and other provisions. Often the cartons contain their eggs which will then hatch on the boat.
Almost all the boats we have talked to have had these unwelcome guests. Just before the start one boat was 'up all night on a whole boat search' after one of the creatures was discovered to the cry of 'Mummy its ENORMOUS and its in my bed'. Not great for them - all only hours before the off.
So far we have avoided all such visitors save a few fruit flies and a couple of small spiders. We quickly cleared all cardboard off the boat, Barbara meticulously washed and sterilised all vegetables before they were allowed aboard and bug barriers (based on chopped up water bottles) were placed on the mooring lines all the time Alize was in Las Palmas. We are told that CDs on the lnes are also an effective barrier, (Barry Manilow especially).
Meanwhile we are enjoying more super Easterly winds which are helping us get further South and West. We have studied the 6 day forecast and are trying to avoid a potential wind hole which might develop on the track in about four days time as a reult of the deep LOW over the West Atlantic. Our strategy is to get South of 15N to avoid this problem. Hopefuly those further North of us will be slowed by this!
So, we are now on a fast beam reach, making about 8.5kts with occasional surfs up to 10kts in the magnificent Atlantic swell.. A pod of dolphins just joined us for a few miniutes of fun surfing our stern wave...
We are having to watch chafe very carefully - wear on sheets where they cross the life lines, on the genoa where it crosses the pullpit and of course the mains'l on the spreaders are particularly vulnerable spots.
Fixing things continues - Barbara sorted out Mike L's phone which wouldn't boot so now he can listen to his music on the night watches again! Meantime Barbara is listening to Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and reading "A voyage for a madman" about the 1968 single handed round the world race.
Mike, Tim, Barbara & Mike