Maintenance on the run...

22:50.7N 22:11.48W Day three - now about ½ way between
Gran Canaria and Cape Verde Isles, heading West on stb gybe with a 2 reefed main
and polled out, goosewinged 80%
genoa. Our autopilot is happy as
the sail plan is balanced. Some
port quarter waves occasionally spoil our straight line.
We plan to gybe south at some point
today to put us into the “butter melting” zone (the old navigational adage for
this route is to go south until the
butter melts, then turn to starboard). At 6am we crossed the Tropic of Cancer,
23 deg north. In Las Palmas, we visited Christopher
Columbus’s house in the Old Town.
On the wall was his 1503 route from Las Palmas to St. Lucia. It is interesting to see us follow this
same route so many years after those
pioneers. Our 2 hr on, 6 hrs off watch system
is working well. We awoke to a
steady sea and lots of sunshine, ENE 20 kts true. Cereals for breakfast, and
then perhaps eggs and bacon from our chef Tim. Barbara conscientiously been
turning the eggs daily to keep them all in good condition. We need to eat eggs
and lots of eggs, because we ordered 36 and received delivery of 72. Our diesel generator (Pagura),
working perfectly on Tuesday, overheated the next day and automatically shut
down. Yesterday we were able to fix it successfully, the problem traced by Mike
L to a faulty water pump impellor.
Like many jobs on a boat where things are tucked into the tightest
spaces, the skills of a contortionist are needed to gain access. All this on a
boat rolling constantly +/- 20 degrees. The Pagura uses 0.5lph per 1KW and
the main boat engine about twice this so with the generator working we can now
have those luxuries like daily fresh bread and more regular water making -
meaning fresh water showers! Yesterday, Tim used a 20 litre Solar
Shower heated on deck containing sea water and used down below in the shower
cubicle. This worked a treat with
no fresh water involved. Barbara
has also converted us to salt water washing up on deck and a fresh water plant
spray for “showers” and alcohol gel for water free hand
cleaning. Going too fast to fish at 8 kts. Sun
is out and will be putting on sun cream shortly. Eggs & Bacon for lunch with
Ciabatta bread from bread maker. Hello there my Dutchie Friends!
Hierboven wordt alles al goed beschreven, dus ik heb weinig toe te voegen. Het
is fantastisch, heerlijk hoe de dagen voorbij vliegen gevuld met alle kleine
probleempjes die tot nu toe goed op te lossen zijn. Het weer is fantastisch, we
vliegen vooruit met 7/8 knopen, dus met dit gemiddelde zouden we er over 12,5
dag al zijn! Er komt nog lichter weer, maar hebben is houden die mijlen! De sfeer aan boord is ook super, we zijn
lekker ingeslingerd en zitten in ‘t ritme van slapen en nachtshifts en overdag
lekker relaxen / klussen / koken /chitchatten etc.
Later meer! Veel
liefs, Tim, Mike, Barbara &
Mike |