The glacier, not to be
Anthony Swanston
Sat 22 Feb 2014 02:09
To get to the glacier requires a walk of about two hours then a climb of another two hours to actually get onto it. The most interesting bits are another two hours up. Given that there are fewer than 12 hours of daylight I decide on an alternative option. A helicopter. But this is not to be as the weather closes in. Even walking in this weather is not safe. Very sad as I have to leave tomorrow to meet a date with the Routeburn Track.
On a good flying day, if you are very poor, there are some big helicopters which you have to share with complete strangers. Imagine, having to share a helicopter? It is at times like this that my social concience is pricked by the privations which have to be suffered by the lower social orders...
Yesterday I asked why I would want to share a dorm room with five young European girls. I would like to thank those of you who sent me some reasons - but you are all very rude!