Atlantic crossing - day 3 - still windy
mark barr
Mon 31 Dec 2012 14:48
Position 16:37.16N 31:11.35W
Days run 136NM
No blue sky today just wall to wall white cloud. no boats spotted in the
last 24hrs and the only living things we have seen are flying fish.
Time is drifting by, boat speed is pretty good, but the weather isnt
following the same script as us and the prolonged strong breeze is pushing up a
large swell causing a stomach churning roll. The latest weather info shows a
slight easing tomorrow, but we will believe it when we see it.
All ok on board, we still have fresh fruit and veg so are eating well even
if food pre does require us to be wedged in a tight corner and one handed
chopping !
Still a long way to go ! |