51:56.88N 10:13.97W Caher River - Vanlentia Harbour

Rob Packham
Wed 2 Jul 2008 21:06
We are on the move at last. After a week at Finit we set out this morning at 0800 and arrived in the Caher River off Valentia Harbour at 1730 this evening. We motor sailed to Sybil Head and then made the passage through Blasket Sound at the tip of the Dingle Peninsula - spectacular place. A big swell was running but the wind was light SW/W up to 15kts. We then had the short hop across Dingle Bay to Valentia.
We are at Cahersiveen Marina and after a couple if pints of Guiness in the town had supper with Ruffian - left overs from previous nights!
Plan to make progress South tomorrow with a passage to Bear Island in Bantry Bay. Then it looks like more heavy weather on Friday/Saturday - we shall see.