Day 3 Winds building seas and final call for Stroganoff

Phil Scourfield
Mon 7 Nov 2016 14:41
7th November, 2016
Life aboard has become interesting which translates to uncomfortable.
Shelena cook screws with the large waves. Sleeping is problematic in the
master cabin. The bed is so big that even with lea cloth I slide about. I
managed to slide out of bed as did Helen. Petri is in the best bunk in the
small cabin at the mast. We always treat our guests so well!
The gale force winds north and west of Bermuda are not coming our way but
the effects are! Constant winds in the 20's. Max gust recorded at 33.0
knots. The seas have grown over night and today. I estimate 4 metres in
height and a little confused. Max speed has surfing the wave at 15.1 knots.
We have covered 368 Nm since departure according to the ship's log. I
estimate passage as 1500Nm so we are only just started. Our sails are
goose-winged making excellent speed south to leave the foul weather north.
Helen is galley captain. She ordered some beef stroganoff from the local
yacht club in Portsmouth. It only came as food for 6 persons. We are 3POB.
So first night it was tasty. Second night even better. But it goes on and
on. Once delivered frozen then thawed it can't go in the freezer so we need
to finish it. Last night for stroganoff tonight.
Our spirits are high enjoying the passage.
Love to all