Mahi Mahi welcome aboard!

Phil Scourfield
Thu 12 Nov 2015 17:31
All well aboard Shelena. Last night everyone managed some quality sleep as
we get into our stride. I should add that this does not apply to Petri who
has maintained quality sleep from day1! The routine is now established and
we are in fine shape. No further mention of sea sickness in this blog is
Now if I am not mistaken I finished off my last diary entry with setting up
the fishing line. Well today, in early afternoon, the unmistakable sound of
the fishing real was heard by all. That high pitched whine was most welcome.
Yes, we have a fish. It turned out to be the first to be landed on Shelena,
ever. Not perhaps too surprising given that we are on yacht of only a few
months from manufacturers, Oyster. In any event, we were well prepared.
Petri started the haul in. Kathy was wetting the decks (to prevent blood
stains) and finding the Vodka prepared for use from a squeezy bottle. Helen
produces the knife, and Jules finds the gaff. I take the role of final haul
onto Shelena and Petri gaff's with expertise. Hanging from the side Jules
has the vodka which was applied to the gills and the fish was anaesthetised
before hitting the deck. We have an estimated 25Lb Mahi-Mahi. Just the
right size for 5 to gorge on. Petri has clearly done this before, and so
Mahi-Mahi preparation for supper tonight is swiftly completed. Can't wait to
try out the new George Foreman grill that Jules and Adam generously gave me
for my birthday. The rod and tackle was from Helen, so really it almost
looks planned!. Great stuff and bye for now.
Kind regards, and love to all at home.