Phil Scourfield
Thu 27 Aug 2015 08:49
Peniche at anchor
About 60 Nm passage from Figueira to Peniche. We started in dull drizzle and
ended in warm evening sunshine. The marina office in Peniche was closed when
we arrived so we decided to anchor in the harbour. The Pilot Book said that
was now permitted. The learning from that is to ensure that next time the
anchor chain is stowed it is nicely flaked in its locker after use. That was
not done, so the chain kept jamming under the weight of the chain on top.
It's like ropes. They always seem to become tangled no matter how you try to
leave them tidy. Hose pipes and electric cables are of the same species.
When anchoring there is also the need to display the daylight black ball
sign in a prominent position which translates to close to the mast tied down
to a deck eye. At night time it is necessary to ensure the anchor light at
the top of the mast is on.
Talking of hoisting signs, today was the day that I hoisted our ARC + flag.
I felt a small symbolic salute to be in order when raised and flying most
purposefully. We hope that flag will remain in place for the duration of our
passages ending in Rodney Bay, St Lucia in early December. Also, it is a
signal to other yachts that see the ARC flag that we will be making our way
to the Canaries and, of course, to share ideas and tips to anyone that is of
like mind.