No pictures from Tonga

Mike Share & Sammy Byron
Fri 13 Aug 2010 05:10
Sorry we seem to have a technical problem and can't
upload any pics at the moment. So you will all have to suffice with our boring
narrative: we hope to get it fixed soon before interest wanes!
Anyhow, we are in Tonga at the Vava'u group of
islands. After a fairly harrowing trip we were both glad to see land. I think we
are losing our ability to deal with the elements as we are both wearing jumpers
and now complaining it's cold at night and when we get soaked! We did cross
the dateline and narrowly miss the upturned Catarmaran at 7 knots (unbeknownst
to us as it was dark ;-( )
The islands look beautiful and after a few days in
Neiafu we are very excited to get out into the outer islands tomorrow for a
birthday party and traditional Tongan beach feast. We saw whales on the way in
(beating into 35 knots of wind and huge seas - pleasant) so are looking forward
to diving with them very soon. Apparently the weather will calm down a bit come
Monday which is great as we plan to spend at least a week or two here relaxing
(read recovering)....
Well have to go as the BBQ calls! Bye for