Shelter Bay Marina - Panama

Mike Share & Sammy Byron
Tue 8 Dec 2009 02:33
Shelter Bay Marina - Panama
We have been ticking things off an ever growing list but feeling like we
are starting to make some headway and Quartermoon is on her way to leaving
the dock! Yipeee
We are sitting a little lower in the water now, fully loaded with
fuel,water and Mikes fixation with tins of Campbells Pork & Beans; oh and
of course the local brew...
Shelter Bay has been a great marina and they have looked after us well. We
are surrounded by rainforest and howler monkeys and the pool has been a
life saver after a hard days work below decks in the heat.
Tomorrow we plan to cast off the lines and sail out of the
breakwater(hopefully avoiding all those massive tankers!) and set sail for
Portobello, Playa Blanca and then hopefully Bocas Del Toro. We are both
really looking forward to getting Quartermoon sailing.