Day 4- Friday
Fri 26 Jun 2015 18:49
Well what a mixed day!
Starting off gybing in pretty windy conditions as the wind swung about.
Have gor used to doing this single handed – see blow – as long as you do
everything logically and in the right order and check things as you go no
problem at all, just hard work – but miss one step or get the order wrong and
bingo – mr cock-up comes visiting!
Early morning was great with Westerlies allowing us to push on, then Late
morning early afternoon was frustrating with too little wind to fill the sails
properly, the wind slowly backed to SSW and filled and this evening is a sail
that you could use in a promotional video:- sunshine, 15 knots of wind over rear
quarter, flat seas and 6-7 knots straight down the bearing to waypoint (off
lizard – as we speak a mere 763 nautical miles to run!!!
-Helly is still down sick – she will at least be well-rested when we get
back to blighty! I asked her if she was alright. She said “I want to go
home”. I said “we are going home” She said “very slowly”. She wanted
Pizza. Couldn`t get through to Pizza Perfect in Menzingen so cooked her
the last one on board which she ate! It is so nice to have her on board!
Really great!
I finally finished the book that Tessa had recommended – The Master and
Margharita by Bulgarov. Having finished it I still have not the faintest
idea what it was really about – should have expected no less – Tess recommended
it – she will have to explain it to her when I see
her. |