Days of whale and dolphins
Ivan Campbell
Tue 5 Jul 2011 09:14
Date 5th July 2011
Time 0910 hours UTC
Position 32;17.6N
Time Zone UTC-2
Motored for 7.5 hours yesterday and another 5 during night. Wind still in
the west which is also something but very light.
Just North of Sao Miguel although too far off to see it or establish
telephone link thus no texts or calls. Sorry
Yesterday James spotted a whale blowing 100 meters on our port bow it swam
passed our stern and we could clearly see it was a sperm whale. After 5 minutes
it breached and dived with tail high in the air. It was a big one probably 30
feet and its square head was very evident. Big excitment!
This morning we had a school of about 30 dolphins around the boat for 15
minutes. What a display!
Lots of terns and shearwaters
Porridge with dried fruit.(Ivan)
Ham salad and cheese baps(Simon)
Steak onions carrots and potatoes.(time for preparing dinner down from 3
hours to 1 hour)(Russell of course. Superb chef. Must keep encouraging him)So
far we have not witnessed James’s culinary expertise nor his dish washing
There will be a day of reckoning. It might be today!
One other sail ahead at the moment but only one ship yesterday. It was an
inter island ferry.
Crew all in good spirits and settling down to the watch system.
Starting at 2000 hours we have 2 hour watches to 0800 hours and then 3 x4
hour watches during the day.