The weekend has arrived!

Ivan Campbell
Sat 4 Dec 2010 11:04
14:02.701N 32:51.549W 
Date: Saturday, 04 December [11:00 UTC]
We are still ~1600 away from St Lucia and the winds have failed us again. We
have been motoring for the past 12 hours and plan to continue motoring for
the next 24 unless the winds pick up.
We have only 24 hours of motoring left as we will have to stop once we get
to 100 litres of diesel remaining in the tank. This 100 litres will only be used to charge
batteries and generate water if we need it.
Not an ideal situation to be in, but one that we cannot influence. We need
to conserve power and water on-board and will therefore not be
communicating as often by email instead posting a daily update via blog. You
can still email us, but we won't be spending time (each person X 6)
generating replies as this uses too much battery power.
We caught our first fish today (Dorado) which can be seen in the attached photo.
Everyone is well, but a little anxious about the lack of wind.
Keep an eye on us and pray for wind. We will pray for heat back at home!
Kind regards,
Skipper Ivan and crew.

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