Plymouth Preparations

Carlile Adventures
Mark Carlile
Thu 14 Sep 2006 19:22
Today the mast was taken off the boat by crane, and is currently being strengthened and overhauled. All rigging holding the mast is being replaced, and all ropes are being replaced too. The team at Allspars here at Queen Anne's Battery Marina in Plymouth have been excellent. The mast should go back in to the boat early next week.
Ingrid is still in the water and looks completely naked without her mast in place. Her only covering is an orange bucket over the hole where the mast was.
The wind vane that controls the boats direction automatically has been tightened and serviced.
The engine is being serviced next week (in the event I need it)
Next week multiple electronic units are being installed including a new HF radio, extra solar panels, AIS radar (a new type of radar to detect large vessels)
A couple of old sails to be restitched on old worn seams, are are my backup sails will be restitched next week.
Also this week, I drove to Southampton (3.5 hour drive each way in dense fog), to pick up the HF radio unit, and spent the time with Bob Smith of who spent the time showing how to operate the new radio interfacing it with the laptops that I have on board. I will be able to receive Weatherfax, long distance radio and communicate by radio for thousands of miles. The radios also have a superior method to alert ships of distress with the push of a button. Using the HF radio is the the main way I send these updates via the laptop. I also have a satellite phone on board in the case of radio failure.
I have also done my final food shop. This was a trip to the Tesco supermarket. This was manly a mix of drinks, tins, pasta, rice, spice, waxed cheese, long life milk, and sweets to name a few. This will complement the expedition food and army ration packs I have on board. It then took me about 6 hours to work out where to put all this food. The boat is rather full now
There is chance that departure may be delayed if there are any unforeseen circumstances that may arise with the contractors or the weather.
That's an update up to Thursday evening. A lot of work has been done in the last 4 days.
That's a very good evening from naked Ingrid and a fully clothed Mark.
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