Baby It's Cold Outside

Karma Daze
Chris and Penny Manley
Wed 22 May 2019 11:48
“25:22N 48:29W”
Wednesday 22nd May
Pottered along slowly with the engine yesterday waiting for the wind to catch up with us which it eventually did about 2 in the afternoon. Since then we have been sailing well with an average speed of 6.5 knots. As sunset approached we put one reef in the main and then at 6 this morning the wind speed was up to 24 knots so we put a second reef in. The wind is from the south west over the starboard quarter of the boat which makes for a reasonably comfortable sail. The temperature has decreased so we’re all wearing more clothes especially at night when the wet weather gear comes out. Penny has given up wearing shorts and even the chaps have their fleeces on. As we travel further north we are getting more hours of daylight, which is nice. And we still have moonlight most of the night. More cloud around today but we hope more sunshine as the day |