Day 14 Rain, Rain, Go Away...

“14:27N 044:35W” Today we will have been at sea for 2 weeks. The scenery stays pretty much the same but on the other hand is always changing. The wind usually continues from mainly east south east at anything between 15 and 25 knots (mainly force 5). We did have much lighter winds a couple of days ago when we had to motor for a few hours otherwise we sail all the time. Tonight we have a poled out genny and 2 reefs in the main and are bowling along at 6-7 knots in the pitch black – quite an experience! The weather the last couple of nights has been very squally. Big black clouds come up behind us and then deposit large amounts of rain then carry on. We had another celebration today as we now have under 1000 miles to go to St Lucia. We should be there in about another week. Several boats have already finished, but we are going along steadily enjoying the sailing. Life on board continues very much as before – eating, sleeping, watch duties and fishing. So far our fishing has resulted in, one that got away, a lost lure and nothing else. Good job we are not relying on fish to supplement our diet. We have got through all the veges except potatoes and onions, and plenty of apples, oranges and tangerines areleft. The bananas continue to ripen at a reasonable rate and we have so far only had to make one banana cake. Tonight for dinner we had Paprika Chicken with potatoes and the last of the carrots. We have had a few breakages on board: a block on the vang, the generator indicator says its oil pressure is low, the radar doesn’t want to do its stuff and one of the toilet seats has come adrift – ok unless the boat lurches whilst being sat on. Penny’s arm continues to do well, but she continues to be careful moving around the boat. It is now 10 pm boat time (midnight UK time), we have just had a change of watch. The sky, at the moment is fairly clear so perhaps we won’t get too wet tonight. |