Position Update 1200 (UTC+11) Coral Sea Day 3

Hugh and Annie
Thu 20 Sep 2018 02:13
COG 242T
SOG 5.2kts
Wind ESE 4-5
Sea mod
Vis good
Baro 1017 rising slowly
Genoa with mainsail, 3 reefs
The wind has dropped and the sun is shining so we are much happier today.
We have two more spells of windy weather to get through and will now be arriving at Chesterfield reef in the next windy spell. The anchorage looks to be a good one so we are hoping we can get there in time to miss the worst of the wind.............. we may need to stay there for six days to avoid more wind next Wednesday and Thursday near to Australia.
Will be shaking out those reefs shortly.