19 05N 38 50E
Dany II to the Philippines
John Ridsdel
Wed 12 Aug 2009 07:55
19 05N 38 50E
Dany II
Aug. 12, 2009
What a difference a day makes!...the wind continued
to fill in last night, & we now have WNW winds @ 15-20knts....perfect
sailing weather for Dany II...we're flying along at 7-8knts on a broad
reach...unfortunately tho, we've still got 1knt. of current against
us...hopefully that will cease soon as we get a bit further S...all the stbd.
port holes are now closed & it's turning into a sauna below...the fans are
on constantly just to keep the air moving ...we do have a bit of cloud
cover, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to the heat...it still feels
like we're standing in front of a blow drier!...we're also now getting into the
area where we can get "Haboob" winds, which bring the dust storms...not
something we want to experience!...we've got enough dust on the boat
already...still not much sea life out here, but we've got the fishing line out
again...everyone else who's done the Red Sea lately has raved about the fishing,
so we're really disappointed that we're not catching anything...the dolphins
continue to show up periodically to entertain us...they're always a welcome
sight, especially at night when their wakes form phosphorescent trails...wuite
spectacular!...so much for now...Dany II