Swimming with lobsters: April 21, 2014

anchorage, French Harbor is a marine park. The disturbance to anything is
strictly prohibited. Thus the sea life is quite tame. The most fascinating is
the lobsters. They don’t seem to mind that we are there. In fact they are
curious, they hide under ledges with their long antennae sticking out, we hold
out a hand and they feel it and after a while they poke their head out and on
some occasions they come out of their hole. They are huge. Some of them standing are
about 60cm tall and they are about 18cm wide. We see them walking along the bottom.
The way they walk it is more like dancing. It is absolutely fascinating to see.
There are dozens of them. One of the locals got caught catching them; he is
serving three and a half years in prison. There is
quite an active social scene here amongst the cruisers. The Cruisers net on the
VHF radio six days a week, volley ball every day at 1500 hrs. Pot luck (dinner)
at two different locations every Saturday evening, Fish night every Friday
evening, Lion fish is the preferred selection, there were 40 of us at the last
one. Swap meet every Thursday, Nibble night every Monday, Angus beef burger
night on Wednesday, a bus twice a week to the supermarket which includes coffee
and croissant beforehand. They are going to have a ‘dingy drag’ next Sunday
which is they all tie their dingies together and float along with the current
all the while handing around nibbles and drink and have fun. Eventually they
will steer to a local waterfront restaurant for the evening meal. We say ‘they’ as we think
that we will be gone from here by then.
We will be going around the corner to what is called West End to spend a
day or two before sailing on to the next island, Utilla, a day or so there, and
then on to Livingston and into the Rio Dulce Guatemala.