The last 3 weeks
Classified II
Doug, Michelle & William Gardiner
Thu 18 Jun 2015 10:09
It becomes very difficult to report so regularly without Internet, so I have put together a selection of our highs and lows of the last 3 weeks.
We have gone through and under 6 bridges. Through a canal. Visited the Acropolis and surrounding areas. Called in to see some old friends. Eat pizza by the metre. Drank wine by the litre (me only). Walked up an erupting Volcano (William and Doug only). Crossed some horrendous seas. Swam in some beautiful bays. Sailed 1169nm. Crossed a new time zone. A birthday celebration. All in 18 days !!!!! And here are the pictures to prove it.
The Acropolis in all it's glory. It is amazing to think this still stands today.
The theatre below the Acropolis which is used today.
The guard in traditional uniform changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown solider.
When it rains it pours in Athens.
The new Acropolis museum. Doug is the one in the red T shirt the others some old wenches from olden times they dug up.!!!