Nuku Hiva Marquesas Islands

Sun 6 Apr 2008 00:13
Greetings from Nuku Hiva.
We arrived here yesterday from Ua Pou and before
that Fatu Hiva - a beautiful anchorage in Hanavave Bay, otherwise know as Bay of
Virgins. See attached picture (don't get too excited, not literal!). If you look
closely you can see a Madonna in the rock face, who you might
fancy is keeping a protective eye on the bay, however the trimiran in the
picture, Branec a WARC boat, narrowly escaped being blown onto the rocks -
the wind coming off the mountains would gust up to 30+ knots. Still it
deserves the reputation of being the prettiest bay in all of French
Polynesia. It rained a lot here in comparison to other Marquesas Islands
which made for a welcome change. We seem to spend a lot of time trying to dodge
the sun - so hot! We managed a walk on Fatu Hiva to a spectacular waterfall and
en route were caught in a tropical downpour. It was heavenly!
It's hard to imagine how the islands survive as
there is little, if any industry, apart from boat building (skiffs with out
rigging). Not sure whether that's just local business or for export. Tourism of
course helps and a lot of support from France. From our perspective it would
seem they have the best of both worlds. It seems a peaceful unhurried existence
with a reasonably high standard of living. Lots of 4x4s and the ever present
satellite dishes and mobile phones.
As we have seen little of the interior on the other
islands we have decided to do a trip with a local guide on Nuku Hiva. Perhaps we
shall discover another way of life in the smaller villages and hopefully find
some answers to our questions.
We shall be here for another couple of days and
then onto the Tuamotus Islands - affectionately known as the Tomatoes! It will
put our navigation skills and anchorage know how to the test, in and out of
atolls (coral reefs). From there we shall be heading to Tahiti where Kate and
Steve will be joining us for the Tahiti Pearl Regatta which ends in Bora Bora.
Can't be bad eh?
Hope life is treating you all well and for folks
back in UK that Spring has sprung.
Any news very welcome, not always able to reply as
power is always an issue along with internet access. Will upload more pictures
when we can secure land based internet connection.
So until the next time - take care
Wilting Chantelle