Yacht Chantelle at Cascais, Portugal

Tue 11 Sep 2007 10:32
Biscay, but still not without event. The battery "automatic cut off"
malfunctioned and rather than being "fail safe" was "fail critical". Poor
Pete was woken by a nasty smell seeping from underneath his mattress - the
battery was in melt down, in danger of burning a hole through Chantelle's
bottom! If that wasn't enough, the engine, recently serviced, had a blockage
in one of the water cooling pipes and was over heating. This kept Pete and
John busy for the remainder of the night.
Gerty (wind vane self steering) has now been reinforced (heavy duty
suspenders) and will hopefully now prove her worth.
Nuts & bolts Steve arrives at Cascais today (Jenny having left) and the
"Three Amigos" are due to leave for the Canaries today.
Happy sailing guys.