PACIFIC 08:40.59S 119:37.53W

Thu 20 Mar 2008 20:00
Happy Easter Everyone!
Today is Thursday 20th and happily we're still
bobbing along!
Yesterday we had quite an eventful day (relatively
speaking). A school of dolphins graced us with their presence and stayed and
played for about half an hour. There were maybe 40-50 and we think possibly
Bottlenose Dolphins- they seem to love riding the bow wave. Other than flying
fish and birds we have seen no other life form, except in the distance, on
Tuesday evening, a yacht passed across our bows on the horizon travelling
northwards - perhaps towards Hawaii - no contact made so we shall never know.
Reminded of the _expression_ "passing ships in the night!" Haven't quite got to
the stage of needing a "Wilson" yet (apologies for those of you who haven't seen
film Castaway with Tom Hanks)! I'm sure somebody will fill you in!
The other big event - it rained! Up until now we've
had only a few spots. Rainy looking clouds come and go without spilling a drop,
it made for a refreshing change!
So what else can I report. Disaster struck in the
galley again. Having cleaned the fridge and work surface (yet again) a bottle of
Lee Perins Sauce decided to disgorge itself everywhere! Aaaah - the
romantic vision of life on the ocean wave - covered in sauce!
By midday tomorrow we should have less than a
1000 miles to go all being well. The bigger boats that are further ahead are
experiencing lighter winds, so our mileage may reduce the further west we
travel. You never know though - those winds can be fickle! For the first time on
this Leg we have the roller furler head sail and main sail goose winged (for
those non sailor types - one sail out each side). Hope the wind keeps to at
least 14knots as otherwise this arrangement won't work so well.
We have a line out today in the hope of catching an
"Easter Fishy" - no Easter Bunnies out here! However tomorrow night, Good
Friday,is Full Moon. Just hope that the cloud disperses so we can do some
serious moon bathing.
Well no more exciting (ha!) news - kinda like
Groung Hog Day! At least so far the weather had been kind to us. Long may
it continue.
Think of us while you're chomping your way through
your choccie eggs - we are having to make do with "boiled
ones" - well I suppose that's more traditional.
Be safe and happy.
Best wishes
PS Re attachment. We heard you might have snow back
in Blighty so sending you warm waters to dive into. (Depsite threatening
cloud - never rained).