Royal Cape Yacht Club Cape Town - selection of images

Fri 12 Dec 2008 14:11
A few pictures of Bali etc. to give you a flavour
of the place. Our journey there was one of the best sailing trips we've had yet.
From Darwin it was 990 nm and although we got off to a bad start having to motor
for a couple of days, finally the wind arrived. We flew the big spinnaker for a
few days and even gave our Code O an airing. (Red sail in the picture). The
picture of Kim on the beach is on Cocos Keeling our next destination after Bali,
a mere 1,110 nm. We had another fantastic leg with our speed over the ground
averaging 7.5 knots and a fairly temperate sea. Sadly the same cannot be said of
the next leg to Mauritius, much of which was spent storm dodging.
Lynn came to visit in Mauritius - becoming a habit
and a very welcome too. Her compact bijou accommodation awaited her - in
otherwords her "coffin like" back cabin which had shrunk even more since her
last visit, as she was now sharing it with provisions. As you will see from the
picture, undeterred by cramped conditions she went on to show us how to operate
the radio professionally - all too much for JH as you can see from his picture.
We had many "comedy situations" with Lynn on board and that is without leaving
the marina. She clocked up 0 sea miles but scored 100% for making us laugh -
particularly Kim. We miss her and look forward to her next visit in St Lucia
where, come hell or high water, we shall take her sailing!
The crazy looking "porcupine" style creature is a
Balinese god called Garuda - God of flying. Their national airline shares the
same name. He shared our veranda with us when we stayed at the Ubud
Happy viewing and look out for the next
Kim and John