PACIFIC 06:22.38S 105:27.89W

Sat 15 Mar 2008 19:55
Hello to all blog followers
An update on life in the Pacific. Today is Saturday
15th and over the past 24 hours we have achieved our best mileage yet clocking
up 200 miles. Conditions are stable at an average of 8 knots over the ground,
with average winds at 16.5 knots. We've had no need to motor, although currently
have the engine running to top up the batteries.
We had a few problems on Weds when the voltage
regulator/alternator started toasting the starter battery. John worked his magic
and after re-wiring a few bits and pieces it now seems to be OK.
Thursday saw us with a new problem. The gear box
control cable stopped working. John and David fiddled and we think it might be
OK now, although won't know for sure until we need to motor, which hopefully
won't be until we reach Hiva Oa.
Our Aqua Gen (a towed generator in water) is
working well. Our Aero Gen has a broken blade so is now out of action. The Aqua
Gen arrived in the knick of time before we left Galapagos. It was held up at
customs in Ecuador. It cost a heafty 50% of the value of the item in import duty
and we're not even staying in the country!!
Unfortuntely our replacement Raymarine depth
sounder has not caught up with us yet! We are hoping that a member of the fleet
who was late leaving has it on board - but don't know as yet. In case we don't
receive it John bought a Furuno fish finder which should keep us out of trouble
when we're cruising around the Islands. You certainly need deep pockets in this
"sailing game".
Friday was a peaceful day problem
Todays attachment is our "plat du jour!" Looks like
a Dorado/Mahi mahi/Wahoo - bit confused as to what's the
Hope you're all having a relaxing weekend. Haven't
quite forgotten which day of the week it is yet. Looking forward to a full moon
in the next 3-4 days - it certainly helps on those night watches.
Until the next time.
Rocking and rolling Chantelle