
Sarah and Graham
Wed 28 Jun 2017 20:35
16 25S 179 22E
We are anchored in a river about half mile from Labasa, the largest town on Vanua Levu - we thought we would take a look but frankly its not that inspiring. In fact we could say that about Fiji generally, def underwhelmed.
Spent a day in a lovely bay off Nanukuloa in the north of the main island, lovely place but little more than a shanty town with nothing going on, couldnt even find a bar! and then we thought the more remote northern isle of Vanua Levu might be more intersting so spent a day picking our way along the NW coast through literaly dozens of small offshore islands / reefs but wish we hadnt bothered, Tomorrow we are back to Suva to check out of Fiji. We were hoping to get to New Guinea and then sail down the east coast of Aus taking in New caledonia but dont think we will have the time so will head instead straight to Noumea - New Caledonia (where Francis lives) and then on to NZ.
btw it blooming hot here!! sleeping has been an issue this last week or so and we applaud every down pour. Have been doing our best to diminish our frozen food stock as we understand the bio guys in NC are even hotter than here and likely to seize everything.
S xx
cefi AT mail DOT com