En route Mindello
Sarah and Graham
Tue 7 Jun 2016 20:09
16 49N 23 41W
Glad we stopped at Palmeira but cant say we were impressed. Everything was just so delapidated and shabby. Also glad we provisioned fully in canaries as the produce for sale doesnt look good. We wanted fresh fruit and veg but didnt bother. Did get our diesel though. Got chatting to an Aussie couple anchored in the bay who told us that things much better in Mindello and as its sort of on the way, so that is where we are heading now, with at mo about 75nM to go.
Have no rush to head across yet as winds are generally light, less than 10k from N for the next 3 days at least so a stop in Mindello is a good option. On a sadder note our sailing buddies Frido have decided not to make the trans Atlantic trip and are heading for the med tomorrow. They were both quite severely seasick on the way down to CV for several days in very light conditions and they got too nervous about the crossing to have made it an enjoyable venture. So its summer in the med for them.
Lets hope we enjoy Mindello and the theft problem isnt so bad we cant risk shore leave, there is a marina so might be OK. have timed our departure from Palmeira to arrive in daylight as there are reports of difficult entry in the dark, should be in tomorrow afternoon, winds prevailing!!!