locals know best!
Sarah and Graham
Fri 1 May 2015 11:04
We were told by some locals in the supermarket that snow was expected Thurs night and last night about 10ish it arrived, this morning when we awoke there was a good 2 inches on Cefi's deck. Fortunately we had erected the cockpit tent so cockpit is clear and we are not trudging the white stuff below. Must say the snow makes the place look even more spectacular.
As we envisaged a few days of snow, thought we would take the opportunity yesterdayexplore. Ended up on a jeep tour, along Road 1 if anyone has a map, through Fljotsdalshera around the fjords and along the coast between the sea and Vatnajoekull glacier which ws th most surreal trip we have ever taken. We saw the glacier from the sea when on passage but close up, well wow. The driver knew all the best view spots and the best places to eat and he seemed to know everyone so we had a really exciting trip without any of the drama that usually accompanies our on shore adventures! Nice to be tourists.
Talked to Crest this morning as we had downloaded the latest ice reports and they are not looking good. They did the same last night and although they still intend to phone Norweigan Ice folk later today, they think they will have to revise their plans and we will probably have to too. We are thinking of cutting out the northern bit of the passage and heading for Kristiansund which would keep our arrival to about 63N. There are reports of drift ice as far south as 64N although the ports themselves are free. Very reluctant to miss out on Tromso and the north but there is reasonable winds and weather from Saturday onwards and if we dont make a move soon we will not have the time to tick all our other boxes for this trip. Will make a decision when Dennis has spoken to ice guys but we will top up the diesel today and get a few last minute supplies in prep for a possible (likely!)departure tomorrow.
Still a few snow flurries at mo but temp has risen and is hovering at zero although feels colder than this with the wind chill, wind is abit variable and about 10k, probably a bit stronger out to sea.