to Norway!

Sarah and Graham
Sat 2 May 2015 09:36
65 04N 12 38W
Dennis phoned the Norwegian Ice people and was told in no uncertain terms to stay south of 64N until June. So they left last night bound for Faroes with the intention of heading north in June and we left at first light bound for Kristiansun, about 550nM with a snow flurry to send us on our way. Prep was a little differerent as we had to clear the decks of snow! About 35nM down track at mo in a gentle 12k SW but quite a lumpy left over swell and at least the first 3 days look like good sailing weather.
Strangely last night there was a prog on the beeb about Iceland, called something like ice and fire, well worth a watch. We didnt recognise much but was a bit weird to see the place during the summer and there was no mention of the Icelandic folk's drinking habits!!!
Anyway this is just to say we are on the move with a revised agenda
cefi at mail dot com