Very Productive Day

Sarah and Graham
Fri 3 Jul 2015 19:51
No further visits from officialdom so looks like we are OK here. Graham and I walked into Kuressaare and found some very weird sculptures (see pic) and ventured into what passes as the local yacht club but nobody spoke any English so we gestured to one another for a few minutes, they seemed happy to see us and gave us a drink, no idea what it was and we gestured our goodbyes. In the meantime Andrew had a bit of a result. He contacted Swedish coastguard and has arranged for us to check in to Visby on Gotland, so that will be our next destination probably leaving here Sunday and its about 140nM, winds still forecast to be light so likley to take a while!
We got up to a balmy 18 deg today although a bit overcast, certainly warm enough for a dip and cockpit showers and enjoyed a really good venison dish (which is local, we got it in K yesterday) around the cockpit table this evening, which has not been a regular event on this voyage.
cefi AT mail DOT com