First Night blues

Sarah and Graham
Tue 19 Jul 2016 07:35
12 02N 63 08W
Middle of a dark starry and very warm night, watch system non existent, cant sleep, what else is there to do but write the blog.
Our hangovers from the previous night subsided by late morning yesterday ( and no more will be said about the nights activities!) and we departed Prickly bay just after noon, very sad. As though to say dont go we got the most torrential downpour just as we rounded True Blue Point. We have vowed to return one day, dont know exactly what it is that makes Grenada special but of all the gorgeous bays, anchorages ports marinas that we have expereinced in over 14 years of cruising, Grenada has number 1 slot for us.
Anyway we are running once more with poled out genoa and doing a nice 5+ knots on a very slight sea with fairly consistent 10-15k easterly breeze. Technically Graham is on watch at mo but we have both been on deck all night taking it in turns to doze in the cockpit. There is quite a bit of shipping around, since nightfall at least one set of nav lights have been in view all the time and a tanker heading for Venezuala was close enough to see men working on deck under the floodlights.
We are fully provisioned and fully fuelled as we dont really want to have to buy much until we are through the canal, so will probably have the rods out later. Had another lovely crayfish and crab salad for tea tonight washed down with Carib, which we also have a good supply of! as well as rum! Reminders reminders