Departing Bermuda

Graham Shaw
Thu 10 Jun 2010 17:27
extensively, by boat, bus and fast ferry. This is a really easy place to get
around and only being small we can fit it all in at not a huge cost.
Most of the anchorages we have stopped in were either by ourselves or with Dragonfly
and Rusee. We also did a tour out on the reef. I'm afraid my nerves were
shattered after going through the reef. It is fine avoiding the dark spots,
but then we run out of light spots, and you have to pass over the reef. The
water is so clear you can make out the brain coral on the bottom, so
everything looks really close, and you look like you are going to hit the
reef.( I think I am fired from this job). We ended up out on the reef
overnight, which was beautiful, not a breath of wind, hoping to cook the
fish we caught. The only trouble was that nobody caught any fish. I think the spear
fisher guys had frightened them all away. I'm still waiting to try my first
Back to St Georges, to meet up with Rapau and Spruce which was lovely to
catch up - and of course a little get together was a must. We also had a
fire special from a boat filling up with fuel, that caught a light on the fuel
dock, which was then taken away from the fuel dock by a jet ski. It was
quite scary how quickly the boat was engulfed with flames.
Gray managed a trip up to Bermuda Radio station, and check out how they do
this in sunny Bermuda (for all those who do not know this is what Gray use
to do as a job). Was he home sick, missing what he used to do? - I will
leave him to comment on that one.
The bridge in the picture is the smallest opening bridge in the world, the only draw bridge
bit that opens is in the very middle and is 14 inches, just enough for a mast to
pass through - not that we were going to try this with our boat.
Gray and Lucas managed some duck racing, along with dunking people in water,
placing people in the stocks. There seems to be entertainment all the time
in St Georges.
The last to arrive to Bermuda was Elmarlene who manged to whiz from the BVI
to Bermuda in just short of 6 days. They are on the smallest boat here - a
Sigma 33. I do think they deserve the prize. So yet another party to be
We had a lovely BBQ on the beach at Tucker town (where the castle is on the
beach) and then another at St Catherine point.
This is probably the last time all of us will be together so lots of good
byes to everyone.
Sandy and Bill on Dragonfly are off to the Cheasapeake, hopefully we will catch them
up on the way down the States in October. It's always happy hour on their
Tamsin and Will on Elmarlene are off back to the UK via the Azores. If you have any spare cash, Will wants to do Vendee Globee race. In the mean time a job would be fine.
Keith & Wellie on Rapau are following the same route. I hope you guys got past your toilet issues
on the boat, it's a long passage with out a loo on board!
Dominique and Yves (& new crewmember Aurelie) on Rusee de Jersey are off to Azores as well, then following the Atlantic circuit back down to the Caribbean. Yves you lucky man two hot girls on your boat. See you in Grenada
Sue and Andy on Spruce are off to New York from here, then the Great Lakes. You lucky people, who is
going to play ball with Lucas now? Catch up with you later.
We are hopefully leaving tomorrow, to Newport Rhode Island. I know we said we were
going to Canada but it is still too damn cold there - 7C at night - far too cold.
Then we will work our way up the coast to Canada, as it warms up.