We're in Barbados

Graham Shaw
Mon 26 Jan 2009 22:53
Well, as for the atlantic crossing, I have to say there was some lovely bits, but there were some times I was scared to death - Graham has to steer for me one day as it was so windy and the waves, far to stressful. It was not anything like graham said it would be and even he was suffering a number of times, least I was taking seasick tablets so least I did not feel ill, just scared. I think a another atlantic crossing is not for me, but Gareth is planning his next one. Some days surfing on the waves were great fun, it just got a bit much for me when we were in a force 8. Some beautiful nights steering, see the stars in there true darkness, oh yes steering the pitch dark was not my favourite either, could not see when the big waves were going to hit you. Anyway now in Barbados in the sun it seems so long time ago.
Now the good sailing is here sunny warm wind sandy beaches lots of good snorkeling good visibility in the water.
Here from the rest of the crew, just in case you were not aware I won the sweepstake on a stab in the dark, unlike Graham and Gareth who work it out meticulously and lost.