Lots of lovely islands

Graham Shaw
Mon 9 Mar 2009 01:50
The last blog was from Union Island. This is a lovely place, with a bar on a reef in the middle of the sea, the great thing is you can swim to it and they don't mind you dripping all over the place. Some nice snorkling - I saw a very unusual fish navy blue with electric blue spots. After clearing in we had a short visit to the town - I got propositioned twice. No they were not Denzel Washington lookalikes. We then moved around the corner to Chatham Bay which was not so windy and not so busy. Swam to shore as always these days as Gray brings the boy in the dinghy. Lucas loved this spot as he could run around and we did not have to worry - no road here just beach. Super sunset - the best so far, but no camera with us, of course.
After the night there, we moved to Mayreau - lovely sandy beach, fab snorkling. Did some hiking up a very very steep hill. Picture inset with foot prints in the sand. Then the next morning we moved to Tobago Cays (I have been looking forward to this one). Softest sand beaches I have been on so far, claim to fame: Pirates of the Caribbean beach scenes were filmed there. Most special moment was coming across turtles when swimming to shore, this place is know for them, but I never thought I would be this close to them, beautiful graceful creatures, a lovely treat. Met some lovely people on one of the beaches who thought I was Swedish (it must be the tan making them blind) with some little ones Lucas' age so he had great fun playing too.
Next stop Canouan which is a charter company base, very pretty place, lovely sail to here. After a few hours the swell increased to the point you would be unable to get on and off your boat safely and the charter company started to move all their boats, so we up and moved. Friendship Bay is normally only a day anchorage, but perfect for the weather that was around the corner. By the time this was all sorted we ended going ashore in the dark (not Gray favourite moment), had a nice super cornish roasted hen (a long way from home) found a decent supermarket for a change. Because this anchorage was so rolly the next stop would have been even worse - which was a shame for it was Mustique, only problem you are not allowed to anchor any where only one place. Mustique is very much known for its outstanding unspoilt beauty and also the famous people who visit or own houses there. 150,000 US dollars for a week in a villa. So I am afraid all those rich and famous people awaiting our arrival will have to wait until next year.
So next on we went to Bequia, had fun and games anchoring, third time lucky - no space and too much depth. Very impressed with this place lovely and clean, nice reasturants all on the bay, and we have been here a few hours- well if the anchor held the first time we would have been at the bar much earlier. Off diving in the next day or so. See the dramatic pictures of the coast line on approach to Bequia.
Also picture of the Moonhole house in the cliff face - you can actually rent these out.
More to follow,