All the jobs are done

Graham Shaw
Fri 19 Mar 2010 21:03
they are at an end for the moment, or do I dare say it, until something goes
wrong again.
Two new batteries have been added to existing collection. The alternator is
repaired and back in with a new expensive regulator. Two new solar
panels fitted to the bimini, and yes, yet another regulator, winches
serviced, engines serviced and it goes on and on. Anyway all done at the
mo. The good thing is we have enough electricity to light up Grenada.
We thought we'd have a day off, and went over to Hog island for their Sunday
BBQ and band on the beach which was great fun, Lucas found some friends and
ended up keeping
lots of people entertained.
We have caught up again with some friends we met in Martinique
last year on yacht Moody Finn - Chris, Jaanna & James. (Scroll back down to
blog "Onwards and Upwards" from 04th April last year). Chris had just
arrived in Grenada where their boat has been hauled out since last June.
though, he opened the hatch to find a few feet of water inside the
boat - a fresh water leak into the cabin area and the bilge pump wire had
fallen off. At least they were not in the water, it might have sunk with
that amount of water in it. A mammoth task to sort out before arrival of
wife, three and a half year old child, and (news to us) a
6 week old baby, a week later. When they arrived James and Lucas got
together, and
it is lovely seeing him playing with other children his age, they get on
really well. Chris finally restored the balance, and there is now more
water outside the boat than in, and they are back on the sea, anchored near
us in Prickly Bay.
I have finished my Divemaster, which has been great fun. I was looked after
beautifully by my instructor Jane (see photo), who, believe me, has been
very patient with me. It has been hard going back to studies after so long,
completely brain
dead these days, specially when it comes to Physics????
While diving I have come across a number of people from Jersey out on
holidays diving. Phil and Kate from the dive shop in St Helier, and
recently Gary and Kim Mason (see photo). I use to work with Gary back in
the years when I worked in a office for a living (at WJB Chiltern in
Jersey). It has been lovely
catching up.
Also a number of people I have dived with over a number of weeks, which
has been great getting to know lots of people from different walks of life.
Also out on the water we have come across a number of Jersey people on
tour in their sailing vessels. Anton Dupoy on yacht Shayele, who is off to
the ABC islands, Panama and westwards, and
Trevor Colinet on Fandango who is or was going to Australia, I think a
change of plan may have come
about. Of course all this socialising has not helped the whole "keeping
the beer consumption". Next week.
I had my final day's dive in Grenada which was on Bianca C, which is a
cruise liner wreck, and saw the biggest spotted eagle ray I have seen yet,
the only
trouble is not a very good picture and the wreck is very deep and it's dark
down there.
It was lovely to do the wreck, but I have to say you lose so much pretty
and visibility when you go so deep. The second dive was much shallower, and
we came across about 50 baracudas all together, and a beautiful turtle which
nearly ran over, we were on a drift dive and the current was very strong and
did not spot the turtle until the last minute.
Well hopefully we'll be off in a few days. We decided to hold off until
after the finals of the Six Nations Rugby which is being held tomorrow for
all those who
do not follow it. The local bar, de Big Fish, now run by a Jerseyman, has a
big screen and usually a huge turn out, so I
am sure more beer will have to be sampled.
We have decided after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, to go north (Plan B) then
revert to Panama (Plan A) next year. It has been a very hard decision. I
think what swayed me most was another cruising couple we met who got caught
in an El
Nino and were stuck in the Pacific on the way to Marquesas for 56 days ( no
wind at all), I think that would push me over the edge being at sea that
long. So, North it is - for all those interested in planning their hols
with us. We are going up through the Carribbean to the BVI, hopefully
leaving at the
begining of May head to Bermuda which should take about 4 days [I like an
optimist! - Ed.], stay there
for a week or two then to Newport, Rhode Island, USA, then head North to
Canada. Then when it is too cold, head back down to the Caribbean, then off
to Panama Feb 2011. It goes something like that, I'm sure Gray will do a
detail anayslis for all those interested.
Now, who is going to win the Rugby???????????!