
Graham Shaw
Tue 30 Jun 2009 11:54
After picturesque St Augustine we headed to Fernandina. What a lovely place
beautiful beach, very pretty. Pity there were two, yes two, huge factories
pumping out a smell which you could not suffer for long, in fact I thought
Mum was going to have a asthma attack, so we moved on swiftly to St Mary's.
Which again was lovely place, except for the critters that jumped on you all the
time. We ended up having a competition to see how many you could kill in five
minutes. Mum left us on Thursday, and the following day we departed
towards Georgia. Passing Cumberland Island where there are wild horses, I
managed to take some pics from the boat but we were a bit too far away.
Gray ended up rescuing another boat, whose steering cable had snapped, then the
following day we almost needed rescuing - ran over a fishing pot which we
tried to avoid but the line was right across the channel, then went aground,
as pot rope was around the propellor. Poor gray jumped overboard and unwrapped the
prop, he would have stood up but the mud was that gloupy and thick.
We managed to pull ourselves off backwards thankfully, lots of kind locals did
come to assist, one even offering to jump in the water for us - I would have
taken them up on it - not pleasant, you cannot see and the water where we got
stuck was treacle brown. Ended up in a pretty spot off Catheine Island all
by ourselves.
Following day we went to Hogan's Marina and anchored just off the marina. Another
boat went aground, but there was no helping this one, just had to wait until the
tide came in. The scenery in Georgia is very different from Florida, there
are some beautiful spots all the way up through the ICW some very
magnificent houses along with there magnificent boats, and some lovely wild life. Every day we see dophins about four or five times a day, I still
never get bored with seeing them. Today a hugh container ship came past
in front of us and there where dophins jumping in the bow wave - I have inserted the
picture but the shot was delayed and you cannot see the dophins. Also
enclosed some lovely pictures of eagles and herons, not sure what sort (not
very good on the bird identifying front.)
Lots of police or local police on the ICW, have seen two boats pulled over
for speeding or too much wake. We clearly do not have either of those problems. Next
stop South Carolina.