Chesapeake Bay & Delaware Bay to New Jersey.

Graham Shaw
Tue 11 Aug 2009 22:44
seems to be few and far between having a nice sail with the wind in the
right direction and over 10 knots. We have found with the boat if we have
less than 10 knots of apparent wind our speed takes a nose dive. Nice sail in
the point that we over took lots of monohulls (sorry, my competitive streak
coming out) and managed to keep off a trimaran that was as competitive as I
was, until the wind drop below 10 knots, then they just flew by us. The
wind about 20 mins later increased to 20 knots, and we flew by them, only as
they had to pull their gennicker down as the wind was too much for it. The
traffic in Annapolis was London in rush hour - sailing vessels, dinghies, warships, car carriers coming from all directions.
(Note to former colleagues: see the US warships doing things at right angles, just like the RN! - Graham.)
We popped in to two anchorages
and could not find space in either so we decided to head up to Bodkin Creek, which was
a good decision. Only another 15 miles up the coast but we had two knots of
tide against us, plus we had dropped the main going into Annapolis and had a
problem with our third batten car on the main, thus decided not to put it up
again until we fixed it, just in case we needed to reef quickly. Arrived in
Bodkin which was quite a nice spot, not too much traffic plus Seawalk to
catch up with, they we leaving to go back to Holland for a break the
following day so it was good to catch up with them, of course over a beer or
The following day we fixed the batten car again on the main: always stuff to do on the boat, it
is a constant list, at least we did not have to cough up any more dough for the
time. Anyway, off to the top of the Chesapeake Bay. Motored all the way on a very hot day -
heat advisory warning given on forecast. We arrived in the anchorage and had to jump in water
even though it was not the colour desired. Fresh water so no Jelly fish,
but fish nibbling at you which makes me jump every time. Lots of Canadian
Geese which I think is lovely to see. Apparently the Americans' hate them??
Not as much of the flying and biting creatures we are having a run of at the
moment, cockpit full of dead bodies - I am very nasty with a fly swat -
plenty of practice years of whip handling.
Met some nice people here, Anna and Walter, but stopped liking them after
they told us they had air conditioning on their boat, very green, not normally
worried about heat, but it really was that hot.
Up early 6.30 I know this is just unacceptable. Along the C & D Canal (Chesapeake and Delaware), 14
miles of man made canal to reach the Delaware City end, then 50 odd miles down Delaware Bay to Cape May in New Jersey. Lots of big ships passing us. Don't think we'll stop here long, as the anchorage is far from anywhere.
Lots of people have requested more photos, which I am trying to do and an iternary, so here it goes sort of -
Up to New York USA in the next week.
Then on to Boston the next week Late August.
September Canada.( I can dream)
Back down the coast of the USA through October
November leave Beaufort to Antigua (maybe)
The French Islands - Guadaloupe/Martinique end of Nov begining of December.
Back through Grenadines to Grenada Jan 2010 to make boat ready
Leave Grenada head for ABC islands Feb
March Panama Canal
Galapagos Island April
French Pacific Islands May June
Tonga July Aug
Fiji September
New Zealand November
Yes this will change like the weather but this gives a idea of where we
might be.
Sorry run of nice looking light houses, and the smallest ferry, in Oxford.
Everything is the States is the biggest or the oldest, so we thought we
would add to this. Missed the racing of the canoes, so picture of them on
the hard after the racing. A lifting bridge which we have not seen for a
long while. Container ship for Peter so he can reminisce, you can see how
they lose them piled so high!