43:25.306N 08:13.817W

Wed 3 Sep 2008 11:36
The few niggles on the trip down hopefully have been ironed out!
Monday night we entertained the crew of Gaia (ex Alpha IV) now owned by a Dutch couple, Anke and Kiempe, who are also on their way to the Carribean, hopefully we will meet up again!
Ann and Jess prepared super nibbles while the chaps went to the chandlery shopping for essentials!
We then treated ourselves to a meal out at a fishy restaurant - enough food for an army (or navy) certainly too much for the crew of Candida!
Tuesday we left the marina after lunch heading for Ria de Betanzos, just around the corner, with Ann navigating under Jess's tuition.
Having arrived without hitting anything we anchored by the mussel rafts for the night, and enjoyed the solitude of a beautiful bay.
The anchorage here is a bit rolly, and by morning we were beam on!
It also decided to rain all night!
Weds morning we have pulled across to Ares on the n side of the bay, and life is less rolly - more gentle rocking, but still raining.
We anticipate being back in La Corunna by Thursday night, with more average british summer weather expected for Friday!