39:21.45N 09:22.619W

Sat 13 Sep 2008 15:00
We are now in a Portuguese fishing town called Peniche, where the 'marina' has some very old and never maintained Walcon pontoons, with space for visitors only on the outside.
We arrived here this morning just before 10 after a stunning run down the coast from Viana do Castellan.
Having been let out of the marina through the swing bridge we only then saw the harbour entrance with what appeared to be a small mountain range, the swell had increased substantially overnight. Skipper's heart in mouth, crew looking slightly anxious, but in fact there were no dramas to report, just some BIG waves!
Off with the engine, hurrah! and the main with one reef and the nr. jib had us scooting south again.
The breeze was around 230 kts, as forecast, and was forecast to drop, as was the swell - wrong ! wind rose, swell increased, and we had a stunning sail until skipper's nerve failed and we reduced to 3 reefs and the boomed out nr. 3.
There was no apparent decrease in speed, but a large increase in comfort!
With the forecast wind dropping and going Neasterly, we decided to bypass Leixoes and other enticing ports, and head for Peniche.
We were treated to beautiful sunshine all afternoon and evening, and our track overnight was lit by a huge bright moon - what luck!
Well the wind stayed put, the swell stayed put, and so we had a rocky night, but satisfying sailing.
Broke the top batten of the main - but fortunately we brave a spare.
Graeme and the skipper spent an enjoyable morning heads down in the after bilges and the cockpit locker trying tom trace an annoying leak - bathing serious, but a constant source of nuisance They have finally decided that it IS the stern gland, and on arrival at Cascais we hope to get it sorted!
So tomorrow we are off to Cascais where we should meet up with Christine, this will enable blogger in chief, Steve Lee to relax a bit and do his proper job, instead of blaming the connection!
Hopefully at cascais we will have wi-fi so that you can enjoy some of our photographs
More in time
The Crew