Swimming with Manta Rays and Hiva Oa

Sailing from Fatu Hiva, we stopped at Tahuata island, just south of Hiva Oa island. As we arrived at the chosen bay (with a nice white sandy beach), our friends from Windancer were there and told us about some manta rays swimming near the surface. We anchored and took the snorkel gear to check the mantas. It was quite a fantastic experience, swiming with them at arm’s reach! They were well aware of our presence and seemed to enjoy, ‘dancing’ around us. They were around 4m wide and swimming between the surface and 5m deep. This experience is no doubt a dream for many divers and snorkelers. Certainly one of the highlights of the trip so far! We went ashore to the deserted sandy beach, stayed in this bay for the night and sailed to Hiva Oa early morning, to meet ENIGMA who were just arriving from their Pacific crossing. The main town in Hiva Oa, Atuona, hosted 2 famous people in the last years of their lives: Paul Gaughin and Jacques Brel. They both have their memorials here and interesting museums, which we visited.