31 Dec 2017

28:27.3N 16:14.8W Sailing around the world: for some, this is a daunting perspective. For others, this is a priceless journey of a lifetime. It requires "some" planning and preparation, can last for as long as you want (life permitting) and, of course, it comes with some trade-offs. But so is life, full of trade-offs... My name is Manuel, born in Portugal. After crossing the Atlantic in 2010 (then with a 42ft catamaran ENIGMA), I realized that sailing around the world would be my significant next project. After a few years of planning, here we are, ready to go! ANIMA is a Lagoon 42 (sailing catamaran) which has now sailed some 4000 nautical miles since May. She has stood up well for the test and is also ready to cross "the pond", with a fantastic crew: Charlotte (my niece), Ze (also know as ´Ribeirinho` and sailing partner for over 40 years) me and "El Jamon". This was a recent acquaintance: we met El Jamon at the supermarket yesterday and could not resist adopting him (Charlotte was a bit suspicious but accepted the guidance of the elderly ones). He may not make it to Barbados, but will no doubt be great company (not very talkative but a good listener). The last few days have been spent stocking up, cleaning, visiting a bit of Tenerife. We will sail out tonight, under a glorious (almost) full moon. The city of Santa Cruz has prepared fireworks to see us off, so we will watch these as we depart. The weather forecast shows steady favourable winds, which will take us towards Barbados, our first stop. We wish you all a great party tonight and Happy New Year!!! |