Diary entry number thirteen - Rhodes Position 36.27:06N, 28.13:60E

California of London
Allan and Ruth Dooley
Sat 18 Jul 2009 17:44
On Sunday 12 July I had a bath! - courtesy
of my sister's hotel room. After exploring Rhodes town, Sunday also
brought the Pitcher family (our neighbours) to the boat, being John, Diana,
George and Harry.
We departed along Rhodes south coast on Monday
in front of a strong northwesterly -a "Meltimi" wind (up to 36 knot
gusts!) Ran on small jib alone. Anchored under mountain for night
but it gave limited shelter. Onto Lindos the next day where met up with
Anne and Mike again for a very enjoyable supper.
The Meltimi continued to blow and we decided to
return to Lindos anchorage on Wednesday after venturing out to find a F7
and F8 gusts again. Still blowing strongly on Thursday so stayed put
all day. Good thing Lindos is a great
place to be with a sheltered anchorage, warm swimming, a pretty town,
donkeys, good bars and an Acropolis of old and new fame - it was where "Guns of
Navarone" was filmed. Harriet departed Thursday evening having been a very
effective sailing instructress for the the boys.
The winds eased a bit on Friday and we had a
cracking sail to the north-east and found a lovely anchorage for the night in
sheltered waters south of Falaraki. Saturday gave a pleasant sail on a
flat sea (at last!) back to Rhodes town and our same berth as the previous
weekend in Mandraki harbour.