Fw: Diary entry number one - position 39:08.84N 08:18.55E

California of London
Allan and Ruth Dooley
Thu 30 Apr 2009 16:42
----- Original Message -----
From: Allan
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 3:30 PM
Subject: Diary entry number one - position 39:08.84N
08:18.55E Planning over - the voyage has started!
California is in wonderful order - even the teak decks look (almost) as
We left Palma on Tues 21 April at lunchtime with
four on board - Allan and Ruth, John Pitcher (our neighbour) and Laurence
Guthrie (long standing sailing friend).
Stopped off at Cabrera for supper - well we
couldn't go past without doing so! Anchorage pretty empty - about 6 other
boats. Ruth ran to lighthouse as usual. Others visited the Cantina
(also as usual!).
Trip to South Sardinia was lively. Mostly
a broad reach - winds up to 30 knots. Made land after 2 days at Carloforte
on Isola di Sant Pietro. Next day in port spent waxing all of
Set off for Sicily on Sat 25 April. Once
out of shelter of islands the wind was SE (where we wanted to go...). Seas
large and when it started gusting 40 (Gale 8) we turned back to where we had
come from - 40 mile round trip going no-where!
Luckily Carloforte has had a "Cus-Cus festival"
this weekend. Lots of arab style dancing, singers, bands and medieval
costumes as well as stalls selling various produce especially tuna and
cus-cus! A force 9 in the forecast for today so staying put until tomorrow
when we should have nice westerlies (we hope) to take us onwards.