Blog 50. At sea en route to Nuie. 14.51S 165.05W
David Batten
Tue 24 May 2016 05:35
Monday, 22 May. At 01.00 hrs, a light SE got up and we made good progress until hit by a squall at breakfast time. Lots of rain and wind from every direction but, worse still, almost no wind at all in it's wake. All the boats that left Suwarrow yesterday appear to have similar conditions, so we are all motoring. We have an added problem in that the cockpit Garmin display has gone on strike for no apparent reason and it is refusing to do more than flicker or just remain stubbornly blank. We do still have all the navigation information we need, but we are missing it!!
Hoping this isn't the start of some electrical gremlins.
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