Tuesday, 10 Dec. 14.47.96N 55.50.75W
David Batten
Tue 10 Dec 2013 21:40
Today has been much better, with the last squall over by breakfast and a lovely sunny day since. Venetia did have such a hairy time over her lunch time watch that she did not put on "no hands Hans" and had to have lunch after the watch. She did manage a couple of truffle chocolates fed to her by Jane to keep the wolf from the door.
All was going well this afternoon, with Jane having a record breaking watch of 19.5 miles with the boat steady and the wind consistent. Sally was hoping to do the same, but a loud bang as the sail tie holding the genoa sheet block onto the starboard aft cleat gave way which put paid to another record. Rather remarkably, although the sheet bent the pushpit, nothing else gave way and the sails were rolled up very quickly to allow David to fix up a replacement of a stronger combination of sail tie and dyneema. So we are on our way again and with less than 300 miles to the waypoint off Pigeon Island, we are hoping for the best and arrival sometime on Thursday.
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